
I got a surprising email yesterday from the people at PizzaTherapy.com (see 5.9.2000) who thanked me for my "kind words". I don't remember sending them any messages from their site, so I guess they must have found my site on a reverse search for their domain name.

"Pizza On Earth, Good Will to All!"
There's a few things that I had tried to post here in the last couple days that just haven't shown up. So much for the glory of the Internet.


Tuna salad sandwich with spicy mustard, fresh tomato, and Muenster cheese on whole wheat bread. Try one.


I need energy food right now. This evening has been draining on and on and probably into the wee hours tonight. I am not looking forward to the morning.


Today was one of those days (actually, it still is one of those days) when you suddenly look up from the crack in your windshield and the orange traffic cones going under your tires and realize that the trees suddenly have leaves all over them. I was driving down to school this morning and thought that I had somehow made a wrong turn and ended up in a lush jungle. Spring...
I like to cook things that take a lot of time and effort. Pizza from scratch is one of them. I'm talking about rolling dough, making sauce, the works.... Don't ask how I bumped into this site, but PizzaTherapy.com may later be of use to me.
Made some updates to the site tonight. Everything is in flux ... I don't think that one page has quite the same layout as the next. That whole Master Template scheme fell apart a while ago.


I'm working on this whole Flash thing... but for now, I still feel kind of crappy.
Been spending many hours in front of a screen recently. The latest big change in my life (probably just until the end of my classes for the quarter) is that I am staying up until 3 or 4 am most nights and sleeping until about 11 am. I've got classes 4 days of the week that start at 1 pm and it was really tough getting motivated to work before them. So now I just run errands in the mornings and then work in the afternoon and into the wee hours.

Man, I love the routines that school can put you through.


So here it is. I've been working on rebuilding a site for myself and figured that a blog would keep me involved with it. I got tired of having a site that wasn't updated on at least partly a regular basis.

What's been going on recently? I'm doing the grad school thing and it is treating me right. I have a ton of work to finish in the next month or so, and I will most likely be ranting about it here... so keep your eyes peeled.
This is just the beginning...