
Quickly realizing all of the work that goes into teaching. The part about reviewing homework and grading assignments is a time-sink.


I'm going to Vail over break... wanna come?


Documentation of hard drive repair begins now. I've got the hammer in my hand and a can of gasoline just in case the more gentle methods don't work out.
This week I got a cold or something related. You know, the usual -- sniffles, sore throat, genital warts.... OK, maybe not the warts, but I've still been feeling rather out of it. Of course, that couldn't be the end of hell week for me. My hard drive crashed on Valentine's day. Thought maybe this was virus related, but I don't really have sufficient evidence for that. Besides the hard drive trouble, V-day was rather uneventful (again).

Clement Mok is coming to town to do some talking. I cancelled my class for Tuesday night and told my students to go see his presentation instead. One more class out of the way.

Friends from NYC are coming into town tonight, so I have a trip to the airport again. Don't know what to do yet to keep them occupied. Maybe I'll just bribe them to reinstall all of my software and fix up my computer for me. Dell was right on the mo-fo with a replacement hard drive. I called them at 2AM on Thursday morning and it arrived at noon today. Great to have working parts again, but now I have to deal with putting them back together.


"Girls don't like me. They don't want to be with me. They don't want to talk to me. Hell, they don't even want to look at me. My dilemna is, I like girls. A lot." This is the Confession of a Math Whore.
Did somebody say DHTML? assembler.org is so nice.
This is NOT for children... but damn, it's some funny shit. Lego Porn courtesy of drew.


I'm ditchin' my brain for a sweet tooth and a candy-apple.
It's not the creaks that make me paranoid,
but the silence all around
as night falls and enshrouds me.

Skewed lines of perspective
stretching out to my horizons
underscore the haze and disconnections.
My thoughts travel on a different path
from day to day, hour to hour.
I'm on the way to the grave...

But no, don't even think it --
I've got a long way to go.

Must persist amidst confusion
avoiding the disillusion.
I've got the blindfold tied on tight
and the tail is in my hand.


Quickly learning the ins and outs of working with Premiere. The ins -- makes awesome movies with a really simple interface. The outs... I just had a birthday while waiting for my movie file to render.


"Although you are introverted and somewhat reserved, you have a forceful personality that your friends appreciate and your enemies fear. God help them. God help all of us."

-- The Spark.com's Personality Test


In an attempt to make sure there is something funny here once in a while, we're serving up thumb.


Headed out tomorrow to check out the Chank Road Show... it's a font development workshop. I have very little experience with font making, but thought it looked pretty cool. I like most of Chank Diesel's work and I figure that if it isn't that much fun, at least I can go heckle.

Another fun day at Copper. Why I didn't buy a pass for that mountain this year is beyond me. The good news is that I had picked up another of the cheapo 4-pass deals for my friend who was supposed to come visit this season... she's a little down on her jobby-job luck right now and a little down on the dollars, so I'm buying it back from her. Sorry, Gail.


Science is fun. Up until the point when you plug something is that shorts out the electricity in your house. If I ever finish this project, maybe I'll tell you about it. It's TOP SECRET.
It's a little different around here. It's a little late right now. My eyes are a little sore. I have little time to sleep before class. My stomach hurts a little bit. I blew out the electricity in part of my house tonight, but just a little. Time to get a little sleep.

By the way... that little tribute to adidas in the upper right was not intentional.
The cutest fish i ever did see.