
Yes. Quarter-after-two is a very good time to get out of bed. Where is the day???
Wrap myself.
button up, it's cold outside.
Keep me warm, keeping tight,
rain and snow cannot

My candy-coated shell is a protector.

Hide me from the elements
and hide me from the crowds.
Your words --
they all pour down like rain.
I want to take a walk and
find myself drenched without worry
but pnemonia threats and
I pull up tight.
I pull up tighter,
I pull up tighter.

Hide my face under the covers.
I wish for this storm to pass.
I cover myself,
with my numbing hands
and more numbing,
my mind.

Words are forsaken.
Emotion tucked away.
Hide me and keep me tight.
I become even colder.


Yeeaaaahhhhh.... god bless php.


Teaching can really take it out of you. Little did I know how much time it would take to grade a couple of assignments!

24th day at Copper on Friday. Great conditions for the pipe. Lot's-o-fun.


Scientists link eye cancer to mobile phones. Thought I should note this since I posted a couple weeks ago some findings that noted that the connection of brain tumors and cell phones was inconclusive.


I've been working hard on making my programming class work out for everyone. First time is always a little rough I guess. I was nervous as all hell last week, but I think I've got it together now. My students are cool. Hopefully, we'll have some good projects posted here in the next couple of weeks.

Yesterday I did my first invert. No, it wasn't on purpose. Yes, I thought I was in for some real trouble. Chad told me that I took off, and then I was straight up and down, board to the sky. I remember doing a Superman, thinking I was going to land on my face. Next I remember screaming some obscenities -- something to the effect of, "OOOOOOH F*CK!" (Would you have missed me if I was gone?). I tucked my head and next thing I know I landed (softly) on my back, nothing broken, nothing bruised. I got right up and kept riding. Chad came over the knoll looking horrified, probably expecting me to be in 2 pieces.

Someone asked me a minute later, "Did you land that flip? That looked awesome."

I'm happy to be here today.
I want to go to the zoo.


I teach my first class tomorrow... AAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!


I love my crashbox.


You might say it's neat when Blogger is running.

You also might say it's neat when the temperature at the bank was reading 80 F this afternoon, yet I was at Breckenridge this morning. Nice.
My class starts on Tuesday. My syllabus is nearly completed. phew. I decided to turn over the index on my DU account to a legit page again so that I'm not redirecting all over the place as before. oh well.
Blogger is working on upgrades with the Server Fund that has apparently been rather successful. Last night I couldn't update anything it was moving so slow... maybe updates in the wee hours will make a difference.


OK, I just wrote a long entry here and it got deleted by slow server performance. =( That's crap.

I'll sum up. Copper was crowded on new year's day because people didn't drink enough to be hung over. I start teaching next tuesday. There are noises outside my house that make me nervous.