
This office is freezing.
I got screwed over today with the dribble lid from my favorite people at St**bucks. I guess that makes up for the free coffee that I got yesterday. I knew there was something suspicious. C-O-N- spiracy is what I am saying here, friends. I look like I peed on myself.


It's about some trouble I'm having with my eyes.

palooka666: so did you need to go to grad school in digital media to learn to scan your face and do weird things with it?
GreatBigX: no ---
palooka666: edu-ma-cation is wonderful...
GreatBigX: that's just the side effect of working at home
palooka666: so have you scanned your ass yet?
GreatBigX: the scanner sits too high on my desk.
palooka666: i know you want to and email it to everyone
GreatBigX: no ... just to your mom
palooka666: she's already got a shot of your ass
GreatBigX: hehe
GreatBigX: lol
"i'm amazed to see that chad can grow facial hair" -- Sanj.
Right now I feel like a monster looking for coffee.


I had a funny dream last night about a friend of mine. I was visiting her house and looking at pictures on the wall. One was of two men refinishing a hardwood floor in her kitchen. It was her father and Bob Vila -- Bob Vila was finishing her floor!!!
I just reworked the layout here tonight... I like it better than the other garbage that was going on before. It will take a little bit of time before everything else is in place. Thanks for your patience. (Is anyone there?)


Been away from the site for a while due to Thanksgiving and finals at the university. But now I am finished with all of that.

Dropped coin on a CD burner this weekend, and who would have guessed it -- I spent about 10 hours trying to work out the hardware issues. Another big surprise here, my Zip drive was the cause of it all. I consider this thing to be the root of all evil. Even with the latest drivers from Iomega, this thing still doesn't work. So I unplugged it and put it into a lead box to make sure that none of the evil would escape. Tomorrow, I plan to drop it in the Snake River. Or, maybe I'll just beat it with a baseball bat a few times. We fixed a VCR like that earlier this year... we fixed it good.

So 2 hours of work today vs. 3 hours of troubleshooting on my USB peripherals. And then my network connection goes out after I had everything else reinstalled. An hour or so later, I realized that the network was out because my ethernet cable had disconnected from the card while futzing around behind my PC. Now I understand why they always say to make sure everything is plugged in before looking for other trouble. I'm a jackass.


Apple juice.

I go for years thinking nothing about it. My childhood was marred by glass after glass, in an attempt to quench my thirst -- yet, with apple juice my thirst always returned. So out of the blue I buy a quart of it. I now have another 2.5 gallons in my fridge and that doesn't even seem to be enough.

I feel a little bloated right now, though. A warning to you all.


One of the better breakfast ideas that I've heard. Mix your own cereal and have it shipped to your door. MyCereal.com might be a little more expensive than boxes from the store, but definitely worth a shot. I love breakfast.


Well it's about freakin' time....
Netscape 6 finally ships after 32-month gestation
"I Dissent"

If I have to read another concurring or dissenting opinion from the FTC in the next 6 months, I might shoot myself.
For a while, I thought that my paper might be the end of me. At this point I'm not so worried. I hate writing papers about things in which I have very little interest. I've just used the word "plethora" in the last paragraph that I added, and I think it really breathes new life into this project. Anyone got ideas for other words that might be fun to add? The paper is about Federal legislation for the governance of online privacy -- but don't let that be a limit to your creativity.


The Plan is coming next week after shows in Japan.


ff=66 .... or so they say.


Damn this chocolate straight to hell. No more than 12 hours after I give away the rest of my Halloween candy to friends for fear of eating all of it myself, a whole new bowl shows up in the mail room! Blessed mother of willpower... oh, screw it.
Contents under pressure and may resort to the use of one or more expletives and/or colorful language.


Bed vs. Godzilla
Hey, if Ralph Nader had a giant swinging dick like Al, then he'd be on the cover. And you know what else -- if Bush wins, then fuck Thom Yorke for encouraging the Naderites. Think he'd like it if Marilyn Manson went over there and helped the Tories out?

From RollingStone.com: Radiohead


Just clicking around on DeviantArt tonight. Interesting visuals ... some good, some shit.


My clothes are covered in static today. Must be the change in the weather. I have that weird electrifying feeling around my crotch... kind of fun and kind of annoying all at the same time.